CS Management
“Solving problems requires an objective approach. This offers the best basis to lead an organization, a team, or a person in the right direction.”
Carolyn van Ravenhorst
Interim Manager
In trying times, organizations need an independent view on matters. That is, organizations that are aware of the fact that issues such as mergers, explosive growth, business developments or the launching of a new product on the market can make them vulnerable. CS Management analyzes these situations by adopting an objective and full-scale approach, including the entire process, the people, and the communication. Because in cases like this, these elements are often out of sync.
Poor communication leads to differences in interpretation. This applies to both the internal communication and that with the clients. A considerable growth of the company or a merger could require a shift in the organizational tasks, requiring a ‘thinker’ to become a ‘doer’, for example, a manager. This does not have to be a problem, provided that there is proper guidance available. Here, CS Management steps in. With a neutral approach, the right information and a positive attitude, almost any problem can be avoided or set straight.
Problem solving
What is CS Management then? An interim-manager, a mediator, a consultant, a coach or a sparring partner? It does not matter. We both have the same goal: finding a solution. Based on a positive ‘drive’ and with all people involved. Also here applies: the result is key, the human dimension is leading.