CS Consultancy
“The work field of crop protection is complex while the stakes are always high. CS Consultancy provides transparency, builds bridges, and is focused on efficiency – both
nationally and internationally”
Roland Verweij
The areas of crop protection, residue limits, and phytosanitary issues are tangled in an intricate web of rules and regulations. In this web, it is very easy to get stuck. With our experience of over 30 years, however, the provision of clarity and transparency in the maze of regulations in these fields is CS Consultancy’s daily business. From advising on regulatory and technical matters to dealing with commercial cases, there is no request that we cannot handle. In this respect, databases are a wonderful resource: they contain up-to-date information about plant protection products, their maximum residue limits and the conditions under which the products can be applied.
Building bridges
CS Consultancy has an exclusive partnership to sell the number one international Crop Protection database Homologa®. This gives access to everything you need to know. CS Consultancy is the prefered partner. We give advice and formulate solutions, enabling you to make the right decision quickly and always in compliance with the rules.
Whether you are developing or registering a new crop protection product, intending to enter a new market, or planning an important merger… insight into issues such as the approval of a product and its conditions, is essential to be able to make the proper decisions. CS Consultancy makes sure that all your staff members have access to the same up-to-date information. This approach is not only efficient, it also promotes mutual cooperation and ensures that this is based on the same data.